1. Formatting and Summarizing Data

Overview of Crystal Reports

Formatting and summarizing data

Filtering, sorting and grouping data
Customizing reports with business logic
Connecting to SQL Server, Oracle and Access databases
Adding charts and sub reports to a report

The Crystal Report Writer

Writing a basic report

Selecting a format

Adding text and fields
Connecting to remote data sources
Configuring the reporting environment

Formatting and styling

Tailoring sections within a report

Annotating header and footer fields
Designing fields for quality presentations
Adding color, borders and pictures
Highlighting data with Highlight Expert

Inheritance and Interfaces

Defining Interface

Implementing Interfaces
Super Keyword
Final Classes
Abstract Classes

Linking Crystal Reports to Data

Connecting to popular data sources

SQL Server
Web logs
Reporting from stored procedures and views

OEstablishing data connections

Creating a connectivity checklist
Configuring ODBC and OLE DB
Integrating SQL commands in a report

Interpreting Structures and Retrieving Data

Navigating complex data

Navigating complex data
Deciphering data structures
Identifying data relationships
Gathering the right data
Merging data from multiple tables
Building business queries
Optimizing data retrieval

Combining Powerful Report Techniques

Organizing and summarizing reports

Sorting user sort control and grouping
Grouping with formulas
Summary and Rolling Total fields
Using Report Alerts
Building advanced reports
Embedding linked and unlinked subreports into reports
Creating crosstab and drill-down reports
Designing dynamic and cascading prompts
Multipass reporting, Hyperlinking Reports and Multilingual Reports
Achieving reusability with templates
Visualizing complex data
Simplifying data with charts and graphs
Organizing fields into sections
Adding, merging, suppressing sections

Programming Data Functionality

Coding in formula language

Working with variables and operators
Deciphering formula syntax
Adding and modifying formulas with the Formula Workshop
Calling and working with functions
Sharing formulas with the Repository
Writing effective formulas
Building if/then/else statements
Converting and comparing data
Debugging the code
Employing the Formula Workshop
Converting to Basic Syntax
Writing formulas with Basic Syntax
Laying a foundation for complex reporting logic

Deploying Reports to the Internet, Intranets, Visual Basic and .NET

Deploying Crystal Reports

Deciding among Push, Pull, Static and Dynamic reports
Migrating to production by switching databases
Determining when to use the Crystal Reports Server
Publishing reports to a Web site
Exporting reports to HTML
Publishing to Crystal
Integrating into custom applications
Adding Crystal Reports to Visual Basic and .NET
Exploring application development options with Crystal Reports

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